what to know about albania

“How to reach Albania” is one of the questions that make us more often, so below we will show you how.
Albania can be reached by :
Sky Way
Its the most easest way to reach Albania.
Albania has only one airport called “Mother Teresa” International Airport, situated in Tirana the capital which is 17 km northwest of Tirana. The city of Tirana is connected to the airport by public transport service. Departures to the airport are at ‘Dede Gjo Luli’ street, behind the National Museum every one hour starting from 07.00 to 19.00 and the ticket price is approximately 2 euro. Taxi service costs 20 euro.
The Flight Company :
Belgrado/ Serbia : AIR SERBIA.
Brussels : Jetairfly.
Frankfurt/ Germania : LUFTHANSA.
Italia : ALITALIA, Ernest S.p.a, BLUE PANORAMA AIRLINES SPA, Albawings, Mistral Air.
Ljubljana/Slovenia : ADRIA AIRWAYS.
London Gatwick/Ingland : BRITISH AIRWAYS.
By Sea
Albania you can enter from Italy and Greece through the ports of Durres, Vlora, and Saranda. In fact several foreign companies operate in the ports of:
Port of Durres
It connects with the Italian ports of Bari, Ancona, Trieste and Brindisi (Italy).
E-mail: portidurres@mrp.gov.al
Portual authorities operate 24 hours.
Maritime line Durrës – Trieste is operated by “Adria Ferries “agency
Tel: 355 52 220105,
Maritime line Durrës – Bari, besides‘Adria Ferries “company it is operated by “Duni Port Agency “ferry lines “Nobel
Maritime Inc” ( tel 355 52 230200, www.duniport.al)
“Euro Ferries” ferry line “Northbay Maritimos Lda Madeira
(tel 355 52 906448)
“Ionian Island “ferry line“ European Seaways”
(tel: 355 52 27234, www.europeanseaways )
Maritime line Durrës – Ankona operated by
“Adria Ferries” agency
Maritime lineDurrës – Brindisi operated by
“Euro Ferries”agency
Port of Vlora
It connects with the Italian port of Brindisi,
E-mail: portivlore@mrp.gov.al
Portual procedures until 22:00
This ferry line is operated by companies“ Gerveni Travel” by
ferry line “Red Star”
Tel 355/033400441,
mob 0692032299, E-mail: gervenishiping@hotmail.com
“Ruci Line” company by the ferry line “Horison”
Port of Saranda
Provides daily passenger trips to the Greek island of Corfu,
E-mail: portsarande@mrp.gov.al
Portual procedures until 22:00
This line is operated by the company’s ferries“Flying Dolphin SA” by ferry line Santa, Santa III and Kristina
“Marina Maritime S.A.” company by ferry line Kristi dhe
By Land
The Republic of Albania connects to its neighboring countries through land cross border check points. Cross border check points below:
– Hani i Hotit border check point (Bozhaj the Montengerin side) that links Shkodra to Tuz and Podgorice.
Customs procedures provided until 22.00.
E-mali: hanihotit@mrp.gov.al
– Through Muriqan border check point (Sukob on the Montenegrin side) which connects Shkoder with Ulqin.
Customs procedures provided until 22.00.
E-mail: murriqan@mrp.gov.al
Tel & Fax:00355 26290070
– Through the cross border check point of Vermosh that links Kelmend region to the Plave and Guci area.
Customs procedures provided until 22.00.
– Through border check point of Qafe e Morines (Kosovar side is called check point of Vermice) that connacts Kukes with Prizren.
E-mail: morine@mrp.gov.al
– Through Morine border check point that connects Bajram Curri with Gjakove.
– Through Qafe e Prushit border check point that connects Bytyç and Has area with Gjakove.
– Through Shishtavec border check point that connects the area with Brod and Grgash.
– Through Qafe e Thanes (Kafasan on the Macedonian side) border check point that connects Pogradec with the Struge and other Albanian regions.
Customs procedures are provided until 22.00.
E-mail: qafethane@mrp.gov.al
Tel & Fax:00355 8326166
– Through Tushemisht border check point that connects Pogradec with Shen Naum and the southern part of Ohrid Lake.
Customs procedures provided until 22.00.
E-mail: tushemisht@mrp.gov.al
– Through Bllate border check point that connects Peshkopi with Bulqize and Diber e Madhe.
Customs procedures provided until 22.00.
E-mail: pkkbllade@mrp.gov.al
– Through Gorice border check point (Stenje on the Macedonian side) that connects Prespa e Madhe lakeshores on both sides of the border.
Customs procedures provided until 19.00.
E- mail: goric@mrp.gov.al
– Through Kakavie border check point that connects Gjirokaster with Janine.
Custums’ procedures are provided 24 hours a day.
E-mail: kakavije@mrp.gov.al
– Kapshtice border check point (Kristalopigi on the Greek side) that connects Korça with Follorine and Thessaloniki.
Customs procedures provided 24 hours a day.
E-mail: pkkkapshtice@mrp.gov.al
– Through Tre Urat border check point that connects Permet with Konice on the Greek side border.
Customs procedures are provided until 22.00.
E-mail: pkktreurat@mrp.gov.al
– Through Qafe Bote border check point that connects Konispol with Filat on the Greek side border.
Customs procedures are provided until 22.00.
E-mail: qafebot@mrp.gov.al
Who can Visit Albania without visa : Check out Citizens who can enter the Republic of Albania